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Effortless, Actionable Insights & Automation

Built for Web 3.0

Finance & Accounting


Automated Payment to Invoice Matching

Automated Chargeback Resolution

It used to take days to do things like apply payments from customers to shipments and invoices, or research chargebacks across emails, phone calls and systems... now, it's just DONE!

Use our AI driven Finance & Accounting Tools to save time, increase accuracy and not leave any money on the table.

Data Analytics Administrator


POS Sales Data
AI Scorecard

With EDISON AI, there's no data prep, no modelling, no versioning... just live analytics data built on a constant stream of real time activity... it's a real game changer!

Take your data science and analytics program to the next level and see your business performance real-time.

Sales & Order Management


PO Change Tracker

POS Analytics

Human Readable PO

Every time a PO was modified by a customer I used to spend HOURS figuring out what the change is, pulling resources in various departments from production to shipping to routing, sales, warehousing to see if we can fill it... I spent even MORE time figuring out my replenishment orders. Not anymore! EDISON AI is calibrated to send me EXACTLY what I need to know and all I have to do is my job! 

Simplify how you interact with key business data by making it simple, usable, and available.

Operations & Management


AI Dashboard

Auto-Turnaround 855
Smart Inventory

I've never seen a product that is completely system agnostic that's SO capable of not just bringing divergent data in and harmonizing it, but also producing outputs that are totally compliant with our clients' requirements. It's incredible. 

Visibility and automation are the keys to managing a complex business. What are you waiting for?

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